Sunday 18 March 2012

Contest Blog Paling Ohsem By Norfaiez Mars

hye2 , hehe . contest nie nmpk menarik la kan , sha ase nk jain lha , mne thu bertuah kn . sblm nie xpernh dpt p0m kn2 . maklum lha bel0h kite ud0h jha xlawan ynag hot2 tuh .

banner contest tu . kalau nk jain boley klik banner nim ok .
1) Wajib follow blog Faiz. Lagi satu, jika tak follow blog Faiz, automatik penyertaan anda tidak akan diterima. Mesti warganegara Malaysia, perempuan atau lelaki. Wajib add facebook Faiz, follow twitter Faiz (Untuk yang ada twitter sahaja) dan like fanpage Faiz untuk apa-apa pemberitahuan. Terjah sini kejap.
2) Wajib follow blog dan like fanpage sponsor. Senarai hadiah dan sponsor di sini.
3) Wajib letak banner berlink sebagai entry di blog anda, ambil banner di sini. Tag tiga blogger yang anda mahu, pastikan tiga blogger tersebut tahu.
4) Tarikh bermula ialah 15/3/2012 sehingga 28/4/2012. Sebarang link contest selepas tarikh tutup tidak akan diterima. Contest ini akan dibatalkan jika kurang daripada 50 penyertaan.
5) Contest ini mempunyai dua juri/hakim iaitu Faiz dan Aznie. Faiz dan Aznie akan menilai blog anda dari segi kekemasan seperti header, blog tidak terlalu berat dan tidak bersepah. Harap anda semua dapat beri kerjasama. Blog anda harus mengikut tema yang Faiz tetapkan.
6) Selesai semua syarat di atas, postkan link entry anda di ruang komen, Cbox tidak diterima. 

lepas tu saya nk tang kat beberapa orang blogger lain

sy dah ikut semua syarat . harap pihak juri berpuas aty .:D

Saturday 17 March 2012

Contest'st Cas-sie Emily

sha nk join contest niee 
nk join click banner yer
  • syarat2 dye
  • nak tag katCopy banner and link terus ke blog ini :)
  • WargaNegara Malaysian only 
  • Follow blog INI
  • Like fan pages :
  • Eva's Monchie Blog on Facebook
  • Like
  • 511
  • Letakkan banner ini disidebar anda #Sunat
  • Tag  orang rakan blogger anda 
  • Paste url entry anda di comments #Cbox tidak diterima

sy dh lalukan semua syart2 nye .
h0pe i to be lucky lha .

Contest Blog Gorgeous by Raraa

hey2 , sha nk join contest nim . harap korang sume buley join jgx .korang kn ade bl0g yang cntk2 kn , so ape xrygy punye .mne tau ade tuah .lau nk join buleh klik banner ye syg :D
syarat-syarat yang wajib dipatuhi.kih3
  • Terbuka kepada follower Raraa . FOLLOW
  • Like Fanpage Raraa CLICK
  • Like blog ni dan klik semua icon cute ni 
  • Like & follow sponsor Here
  • Buat entry tentang Contest Blog Gorgeous by Raraa sertakan banner berlink & syarat 
  • Tag 3 buddies // pastikan mereka tahu
  • Letak link entry korang di  kotak komen Raraa yang cute ni hehe bukan tagboard taw

tag kat

blog sy sy buat sendri,edit sndry . xtiru org lain.
sy dh mengikut semua syarat yang dikemkkan . so harap pihak jury berpuas aty . :D
assamalakum :D

Tuesday 13 March 2012

i am give up wth dis *believe or not ?

saya nk cakap yang saya sudah give buat homework 
saya nk cakap saya dah malas buat homework
saya nk cakap saya dah sakit nk buat homework
saya nk cakap sy benci dah buat homework
sy nk cakap yang sy dh xde rase nk buat omwork 
sy nk ckp home work sy bnyk sesangat .

You all want to know I have a lot of homework but two subjects je lha. in 2 subjects NIM lha that a lot of homework. history homework it the most numerous. be prepared notes until chapter 3, make a mind map until chapter 10. chapter 10? can you imagine that. I also was surprised to hear that. remember there is no other school work?. It tensyan me if I like this every time the holidays. I know it all to my advantage, but not unreasonable for the work la pom teacher. I am not a robot. I am not someone else surely the teacher. I am not as efficient as others. I have only a weak in the subjects of history. I've a long way to understand the history that I learned over the years but one thing did not enter the head of my brain. sir, I am very sorry with you because I can not expand it for what my friends do. both of them can do it but I do not teachers. now I was doing school work given but a new chapter. note I have not done. I do not know whether or not for my time doing it. I do not sit day before. I do homework on it but for the subject english. I have to do 5 sample essay. thankfully, that's all ready. how to history? if not ready? forfeit replied. not what, I did not bother me wrong I was frightened because they did not make the school work. apapon I will endeavor to complete all my homework
iam soryy if i say that make anyoneheart . i just want to "luahkan perassan "

ayat bergerak di menu bar

design>add gadget>add html/java script
paste k0d nim dalam ruagan tersebut

<script language=javascript>
msg = "letak segala ayat sini";

msg = "..." + msg;pos = 0;
function scrollMSG() {
document.title = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos);
if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0

done .right . 

letak ayat@n0te dibawah setiap p0st

i malas na ckp bnyk . just ikut tut0 oky .
tekan CTRL F , cry kod nim
then paste k0d yang sha bg dekat kod yang korang cry td 
<b>segala huruf abx anda</b>
done right . just simple matter . priview . xde er00r . save .(!)

cute ic0n dalam coment box*beside date n the comment authors

hai . sje je mlm2 nie nk buat t0t0 . main angin ape p0m i don't know lha .btw i miss some one lha.
haha . i bnyk merepek kn. dh lha jom mulkan tut0. xyh layan jiwang karat i nim
nk tgk contoh dye . tg0p lha kat coment box . sebelum toh comment dulu bwu buley tg0p.
i mls na tjuk . xthu sile coment n tg0p sendry yer . hak2.i mmg kejam p0m.

DASHBOARD>DESIGN>EDIT HMTL+tick expand widget 
tekan Ctrl F , then cry k0d nim
this one for sebelah peng0men yerp :D


then gantykan degan kod dibawah nim . just simple one kn 

<b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl'>&lt;img src=&quot;KORANG PUNYE URL IMAGE&quot;/&gt;
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>

s0kay this tw0 untuk tepi date

<dd class='comment-footer'>

then gntykn dgn kod dibawh . 

<dd class='comment-footer'> &lt;img src=&quot;IMAGE URL KORUNK&quot;/&gt; <span class='comment-timestamp'> <a expr:href='data:comment.url' title='comment permalink'> <data:comment.timestamp/> </a>

nak cute ic0n boley pegy cnie
kan dh ckp . da simple one . papep0m .priview dulu. dh jd trus save klu xde eror lha .

i am give *believe or not ?

saya nk cakap yang saya sudah give buat homework 
saya nk cakap saya dah malas buat homework
saya nk cakap saya dah sakit nk buat homework
saya nk cakap sy benci dah buat homework
sy nk cakap yang sy dh xde rase nk buat omwork 
sy nk ckp home work sy bnyk sesangat .

You all want to know I have a lot of homework but two subjects je lha. in 2 subjects NIM lha that a lot of homework. history homework it the most numerous. be prepared notes until chapter 3, make a mind map until chapter 10. chapter 10? can you imagine that. I also was surprised to hear that. remember there is no other school work?. It tensyan me if I like this every time the holidays. I know it all to my advantage, but not unreasonable for the work la pom teacher. I am not a robot. I am not someone else surely the teacher. I am not as efficient as others. I have only a weak in the subjects of history. I've a long way to understand the history that I learned over the years but one thing did not enter the head of my brain. sir, I am very sorry with you because I can not expand it for what my friends do. both of them can do it but I do not teachers. now I was doing school work given but a new chapter. note I have not done. I do not know whether or not for my time doing it. I do not sit day before. I do homework on it but for the subject english. I have to do 5 sample essay. thankfully, that's all ready. how to history? if not ready? forfeit replied. not what, I did not bother me wrong I was frightened because they did not make the school work. apapon I will endeavor to complete all my homework
iam soryy if i say that make anyoneheart . i just want to "luahkan perassan "

Saturday 10 March 2012

holiday time

Photography Images
yay!!!!! daa h0liday p0m . 3 ary daa sekarang . fusshh lega giler dpt holiday. dlme ak tguu . dh mls pegy sk0la . ayoyo xbaik tauu ckp mcm tu :D ,sekula itu penting woo . xpe lha sekaly sekalaaje . nk rest . walaupep0m  rest rest jgx tp homework bnyk w00 . bwu eppy home bnyk plx . geram betul ak . dh bnyk giler .steress la ak cmnie . dh result down2 . hurh . fr0m now i being change . haha. ak rajin sket skrg dprd dulu kn3 ?
hasrat ingin berubah kuat merasukdiri ku . ayat n0vel . kih3 . dh terpaganruh bace n0vel . ak suke giler bce n0vel2 yang ade bab2 romantik . hah > kant0i . gatal . like i care ?ikut ku diriku . haha . 

~ak tetap ak ~

Tuesday 6 March 2012

letak cute curs0r dalam bel0g

xthu cara pasang . meh sha ajrkan ..
pastu copy n paste kat dalam ruangan html tuh ok .

<style>body {cursor:url(URL CURSOR), url(URL CURSOR), auto;} </style><a href="LINK BLOG KORANG" target=_blank><div style="height: 50px; width: 50px; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;"> </div></a>

nie ade freebies cute cursur .klu berkenan ambik lha
Cute Polka Dotted Purple Bow Tie Ribbon

Cute Polka Dotted Red Bow Tie Ribbon

Cute Polka Dotted Beige Bow Tie Ribbon

Cute Polka Dotted Magenta Bow Tie Ribbon

Cute Polka Dotted Grey Bow Tie Ribbon
Cute Polka Dotted Green Bow Tie Ribbon
Cute Polka Dotted Blue Bow Tie Ribbon

Pink Tiny Hand

Red Tiny Hand

Purple Tiny Hand

Blue Tiny Hand

Green Tiny Hand

Black Tiny Hand

Monday 5 March 2012

merdeka*be awhile


hey2 sume bl0ggers , sy nk kasitau yang sy daa abs exam yeayyyyyyyy.bebes ase , tpy just a while je laa kn .
akhirnye berakhir sudaa exam yang first nim . paper kimia n bil0gy yg ak tkut sgt tuh xde lha sesusah yg ak fikirkn dan xdelh cng . alhamdulillah . aku boley dengan baik td dengan bantuan rakan ku .opps terlepas suda . ketahuan meniru . like i care? haha . cube ckp nga ak sape dlm dunia xpernah meniru bak cni ckp kt ak ? tadekn .haha . so itu satu benda yang biasa2 saja lha br0 . haha. i just dissap0inted wth my addmth paper fussh susa giler tahap gaban . tahap ape tuh . thu ? ak p0m  xtau . ak rase mmg failed lha .xdinafikn mmg rami failed +mth . rality beb .tpy yng A+ tuh mmg otal genius giler lha .ak xde otak cmtu . genius sket2 nih pom daa syukur daa kn3 . semua nikmat Allah berkn ade hikmah nye syg . alhamdulillah .ak pernh merungut .
hehe itu saja . 

n0tes :jgn contohi ak oky(!)

c0ntent sidebar ade b0rder *like sha

hye suME . hary ni na buat tut0 content sidebar .
yang mne , yang sha punye . xtau ? ok sha tunjukn
hah , daa tgk kn . na buat  x? ok j0m sha ajrkn .
pastu paste k0d kat bwh nie dalam html tu ok 
<div style="background: #transparent repeat; repeat; padding: 5px; border:2px dashed #FF2DFF; border-top-left-radius: 20px 20px; border-top-right-radius: 20px 20px; border-bottom-left-radius: 20px 20px; border-bottom-right-radius: 20px 20px; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 15px #FF3399 ; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 15px #FF86FF ; ">>
masuk kn ape2 aje dalam nie


cute ic0n

sha na bg cute ic0n nie kat k0rang. so xyh ssh lgy korang cry erk :





crediy by:ziera sharplet"S